Thursday, November 25, 2010

Honey Nature's Healer

Years ago, I read a book entry that spoke of the healing powers of honey. The story was about a woman who was burned on the legs, then she rubbed honey immediately upon the burn & wrapped it in cloth, the morning, upon waking, the burns were gone and there was no pain at all. I have used this many times in my own life with much success. The other day, while making candles, I removed the boiler and set my hand down right on top of the burner which was still on high. I quickly removed my hand but it was so burned, the skin was actually white, I never saw a burn this bad. I grabbed honey put it on and wrapped it. An hour later I went to bed. When I was cleaning the next day, I found the bandage, and remembered what had happened the night before. When I looked at my hand, to see if there was a bubble, or blister, I couldn't even locate where the burn was.

Herbal remedies are nature's healers. Never use herbal medicine to replace medical reason. I just put these tidbits up to help others along the way.


  1. Hi, and thank you for posting this.

    I've heard of honey's healing properties, but I didn't know it was useful for burns. I've been told that honey helps with allergies, particularly if you consume the honey that is common to the area where you live. Ever heard about this?


  2. Hi Sylvie. Sorry, I just saw this post now. I am just reorganizing the blog. Yes, I have heard if you consume honey from your local area and take it, it will help with allergies. I have heard of this before. I can't say I tried it but I have heard of it.

  3. Thanks, Tara. And sorry, I hadn't seen your response!

    Someone I know is using Manuka Honey (think that's the name) from Australia to treat skin ulcers that previously wouldn't heal, and is having success. Honey is amazing! We all need to take care of our little Bee Friends!
